Friday, April 29, 2011

Matthew John is Here

Matthew was born on April 21st at 1:57pm( 2 hours of pushing)
9 pounds 7 ounces 22 inches long

I delivered at Liberty Hospital and had the most amazing nurses- my friend Jaime (Henderson) Graham was my nurse and gave me the special treatment!! I went in to be induced since I was 41 weeks along. I spent the night on Wednesday night and got pitocin(ouch!) and had my water broken at 9am on Thursday. Yes, I got drugs... I really wished I could have skipped them but that pitocin really kicked me in the butt!! During the birth Matt had a bowel movement in the womb so when he came out we had a army of nurses ready to clean out his air ways which was really scary since no one told us what was going on( this is very common in over due babies)... within a minute he was breathing on his own and fine. The nurses said he was being naughty in in there.

I will post pictures soon. Nights are a bit rough but I'm sure he will get better.

Lots of Love,
Julie, John and Matthew

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