Friday, April 29, 2011

Matthew John is Here

Matthew was born on April 21st at 1:57pm( 2 hours of pushing)
9 pounds 7 ounces 22 inches long

I delivered at Liberty Hospital and had the most amazing nurses- my friend Jaime (Henderson) Graham was my nurse and gave me the special treatment!! I went in to be induced since I was 41 weeks along. I spent the night on Wednesday night and got pitocin(ouch!) and had my water broken at 9am on Thursday. Yes, I got drugs... I really wished I could have skipped them but that pitocin really kicked me in the butt!! During the birth Matt had a bowel movement in the womb so when he came out we had a army of nurses ready to clean out his air ways which was really scary since no one told us what was going on( this is very common in over due babies)... within a minute he was breathing on his own and fine. The nurses said he was being naughty in in there.

I will post pictures soon. Nights are a bit rough but I'm sure he will get better.

Lots of Love,
Julie, John and Matthew

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bless You

I went to lunch with my friend Susie today and we went to Sam's Club after to get a few things. A lady right at the door asked me when I was due and I replied last week. She looked at me with wide eyes and said- Bless you, sweetie and patted me on the shoulder.

Can't wait to meet this little boy. We go in on Wednesday night to be induced so hopefully by Thursday afternoon we will have a baby!!! With all this waiting it's crazy to believe that John and I will be parents!!!!!!! I feel very blessed and to have him on such an important week! Matthew means a gift from God and he truly is. Our little miracle.

Love, Julie

Matty's Room

Friday, April 15, 2011


I'm getting pretty good at waiting. We are being patient for this little miracle to arrive. I go in Monday and if nothing progresses they will schedule me to get induced sometime next week. Please pray he comes this weekend!

Love Julie and John

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Baby Update

I sound like a broken record but no change from last week. Dilated to a BIG 1.5 and still 75% effaced. This little boy likes where he is. My due date is April 13th and that is when my next dr appointment is- if no change then we will see. I would love to go natural but I have been very uncomfortable and with this 90 degree weather.... I'm melting!! I thought my sister was being a baby when we went to Florida with her and JD. She was 33 weeks along with her second, Jackson. Sarah, I take everything back!! Not sure how you survived!!

Bad Cabo! Bad Dog!

On Thursday morning I woke up to find a yellow ink cartridge emptied onto the carpet in our front room. Who could have done that? Not our well behaved dog ,Cabo?? Oh, yes. I guess he is already acting out and the baby isn't even here yet.

Word of advice. When dealing with ink, don't try to take a Kirby to the stain. Yes, even spending $$ on a great vacuum like a Kirby won't get the stain out. We will forever have a yellow highlighter mark on our carpet until we decide what to do. We did have a professional come in and try to remove it but it still looks the same.
