Monday, November 23, 2009

Boulevard Tour

Saturday we got invited to go on the Boulevard Tour with Megan and Alex. John had been there before but it was my firs time. If you ever get the chance you need to do the tour- great time and you can sample the beer after the tour. WARNING- you do need to book well in advance!

Thanks Megan and Alex for inviting us!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

KU vs. NE

John and I went to our first KU football game at Lawrence. The McGinnis's invited us to join them watching Nebraska play (Got to tailgate before the game and had VIP parking ). Which we couldn't complain we had great tickets - 50yardline, 23 rows up. I will admit, it was the only time I will ever cheer for Nebraska. Being down here in KC with tons of KU fans wears on you! Weather was good and not too cold - John did end up buying me a hot chocolate.

It was kind of funny I thought that the game was at Arrowhead - I had no idea why we had to leave so early and I told John my concerns on how we were going to meet Trevor and get the tickets. Arrowhead was big and Trevor would have to walk really far so we could get the parking pass...